
Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Do you understand the LAW of OmniSelf?
The Law of OmniSelf is MUG? It means that your Mind is Universe and God. You attentively hallucinate yourself into her dream-being. You carry your universe along with your mody (integrated mind+body). You laugh as I slap all-Omni and solar-SPO onto every word. You scoff at my bombastic pretentiousness, and label me an anti-prescriptivist. What kind of writer are you? I can’t understand half the things you say! You confuse my perfect understanding of reality with your putrid phiction. Who are you to make up words? You are a descriptivist disgrace to postpostmodernism. The ultimate dualities arise dialectically out of the eternal Unity. And the Dual Syzygy: OmniSelf mirrored by the omnipresent Unity manifests TriGOD: Generator Operator Destroyer.